Cool jailbreak tweaks – download new jailbreak tweaks for iOS device

Cool Jailbreak Tweaks – Hello guys, today we have found another 10 brand new Cydia tweaks for the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch jailbreak device. these cool jailbreak tweaks are, especially for the iOS 11.3.1 device. in the previous few weeks, we have lots of articles on the jailbreak tweaks. because after releasing jailbreak of iOS 11.3.1 the tweaks are coming like the flood and whenever we found the tweaks for the iOS 11.3.1 device then we update them on our blog. these cool jailbreak tweaks best of the first week of this month. so let’s check out.

Don’t forget to read: 

Cool jailbreak tweaks for the iOS device

1: Coy SIM

Cool jailbreak tweaks

Coy SIM is a pretty useful tweak. if you have a device without the SIM card on it. you know that iOS always alerts you that you don’t have a SIM card and that’s really annoying. you can disable those alerts also you can see in the image above that you can replace the no sim with no service and you have other stuff as well. if you go to the settings of this tweaks then you can also show the model of your device as the carrier name, which is pretty awesome.

2: Deepcove

cool jailbreak tweaks

Deepcove is a tweak for the battery indicator. what it does is that it will remove the numbers of the percentage of the battery and that percentage will replace with Roman numerals. so it looks really awesome kinda need there to have those roman numerals. it looks pretty awesome. if you know how to read them then you can definitely use this tweak.

3: Delete Forever

cool jailbreak tweaks

Delete forever is a tweak for the photos app. it allows to easily delete a photo forever. you know iOS now keeps your photos on the recently deleted folder. so you can recover them. but if you want to delete a photo forever directly then you’ll have an extra button there to delete it forever.

4: Face Down

Face down, this tweak allows the lock your device easily simple by putting it face down.

5: F Dotscool jailbreak tweaks

F dots allows you to hide the dots on your iOS device. you can hide the dots on the home screen. you can as well hide the badges, you can hide the updates dot, you know add a blue dot that you get when you update an app. you can do all that from the settings of this tweak.

cool jailbreak tweaks

If you see the image above then you have four different dots very clean. you can disable right here using the switches.

6: Flat Safari URL

cool jailbreak tweaks

Flat safari URL is a tweak for the safari app. what it does is that it will make flat of the top part on your home screen. normally you will see a great bar at the link. but with this tweak, it will be all white. it will just have a nice flat look.

7: Folder 6 Plus

cool jailbreak tweaks

Folder 6 plus is a pretty cool tweak for the folders. what it does is that it adds the iPhone plus folder style to your either your smaller iPhone. so you will have a 4 by 4 layout on the folder.

8: Front Cam Un Mirror

cool jailbreak tweaks

Front cam un-mirror, you know on iOS when you take a picture the camera app. it has that mirror effect that kind of looks weird. when you take a look at a picture at a selfie that you take. but with this tweak, that effect will remove. so just install that you don’t need to configure anything.

9: Lithium Ion

Lithium-ion allows you to customize the battery indicator on the status bar. you can see in the image above those dots. they look pretty cool. so if you jump to the settings of this tweak from here you can change the theme. so just enable the tweak and go to themes and go to primary theme and from here you will have a bunch of themes to choose from and apply them to the status bar of your device.

10: Moose

cool jailbreak tweaks

Moose, this tweak allows us to change the color of the cursor. normally this is blue and the highlighted text.

cool jailbreak tweaks

So when you highlight a text then you can see in the image above, it’s red instead of blue. so with this tweak, you can change that to any color that you like.


Thank you for reading this article. so that’s the top 10 cool jailbreak tweaks, which you can install on your jailbreak device and these cool jailbreak tweaks are the best of the 1 week of August. if you like this article then please share this and also visit on this blog daily for reading new and helpful articles.