iOS 12 Concept- Incredible iOS 12 features you must know

In this article, we are talking about iOS 12 Concept. after seeing the features of iOS 11, you must know the incredible features of upcoming iOS 12.  Apple says that iOS 12 is launch almost after 2 months. the curiosity about the upcoming features has become truly intense. iPhone users are really excited about iOS 12. and they are waiting for iOS 12. it’s true that iOS 12 releasing almost after 2 months.

But they are searching every day the features of iOS 12. No wonder, numerous concept designs have flooded the Internet and are catching tons of eyeballs. The design of iOS 12 will be really cool.

If you still not hear the incredible features of iOS 12 so read this article, Then you will know that how attractive is iOS 12 features. and the good news is that The next version of iOS – the operating system that runs on all iPhones and iPads.

So you can take enjoy of iOS 12 on your iPhone 5 and later. So without wasting a single moment, let’s proceed to the complete tutorial below.


Most Impressive iOS 12 Concept Designs


1: Grouped Notifications

iOS 12 Concept


There are grouped notifications looks like something off of an apple watch no labels on the home screen very minimalistic as well as the locked applications prompt you can see is very bubbly.


2: Limited Guest Mode

iOS 12 Concept


The guest mode looks pretty decent shades out the applications that aren’t necessarily.

The prompts definitely look like an evolution from the iOS 11 style and taking advantage of the organic LED display.

you can save some battery life with a super saver mode and haven’t always on display showing certain information. it’s a great concept from ascending news.


3: Redesigned Apple Music App in iOS 12 concept


iOS 12 concept


And its next concept by Latoya takes a look at the apple music application and experience.

I definitely like the focus on that, because I think that needs an overhaul and this one has a lot of throwbacks to the old days.

There are a lot of quality of life changes detailed in this concept,

I really like this one an ability to change the volume very quickly using 3D touch again taking further advantage of that feature something apple should be doing more.

you can also heart songs directly from the lock screen or like them directly on the now playing page as well. this feature is super cool because it used to belong on iOS.

But Apple removed it but now it’s back and he calls it landscape mode,

This whole concept just looks natural like something Apple would actually do in Iowa 12.

I hope they do this next one is where your album arts reflects on the background so that will change colors and puls according to your music

And it’s something like you’d see in a jailbreak tweak and I would love to have it in the native music application.


4: Dark mode 

iOS 12 concept


An integrated properly dark mode looks fantastic within the music application on the bottom.

your controls are highlighted against the black background on the very top the album art is in a darker color mode.

It just looks very great. so this is the music application I would like to see in iOS 12 Apple please do something with the colors. very fantastic one I like to see something more in-depth focus on just one application.


5: App Switcher

iOS 12 Concept


It presents a more functional App Switcher. swipe from the left on your device screen to bring up all the apps. which are currently opened.

And then easily hop into the one you want to use. And just in case, you wish to kill them all, there is also a close all button.


6: More Functional Control Center

iOS 12 concept


It would be cool if you could change network settings using 3D Touch right from inside Control Center.

Besides, I would appreciate if the CC has a quick Dark Mode button for enabling/disabling this feature a bit quickly.


You must read this article: How to create PDF file from Web Page on iPhone/iPad in iOS 11


Conclusion (iOS 12 Concept)

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