Enable always on display on iPhone – Hey guys in today’s article, I want to show you how to enable always on display on iPhone. this is a very awesome feature that allows you to keep certain information of your device while it’s locked on the lock screen.
So it’s always accessible. I’m going to show you how to get this with a simple Siri shortcut.
Guys, you can see in the image above. we have certain information with the always-on display. we have the time, the date, the battery percentage, and any note that you may want to add.
I’m gonna show you how to get that right now on your iPhone using Siri shortcuts and an application from the app store.
I’m sure the first thing in your mind is how is battery life with an always-on display well on the iPhone 10, 10s, and 10’s max.
You have nothing to worry about those are OLED displays, which means they can turn off every single pixel instead of the ones that are used and then they can preserve the battery life. so you have nothing to worry about.
Now if you do this on an LCD display like the iPhone Xr, iPhone 8 and below then yes it will drain some of the battery. because the LCD will always be on.
So I highly recommend only doing it on the iPhone 10, 10s, and 10’s max. so let’s go further and have a look at the process.
Don’t forget to read: How to enable super low power mode on iOS 12 device – Siri Shortcut
How to enable always on display on iPhone
Step 1:
The first thing you want to do is head on over to the app store and download OLEDX application.
It’s completely free you can download it available in the app store now and then download the always-on display Siri shortcuts. after downloading tap on it.
It will launch the actual application. it’s an application that you use to invoke the always-on display.
Now you’re probably thinking well if I’m using an application someone can get into my phone by simply swiping up and yes I’m showing you how to lock the application in place shortly.
Step 2:
It’s an application so how do we get around not having someone just simply swipe and get into our devices. what very simple let me show you how to do that.
You’re only gonna have to set this one up once. so go to the settings then general and scroll over to accessibility and then all the way down to guided access.
So go ahead and click on guided access enable it.
Go ahead and turn it on and then create strong passcode it’s a four to six digit passcode you can create whatever numbers you want and then make sure you have accessibility shortcuts enabled.
And now when you go to lock your devices and you want to use the always-on display maybe for the night time maybe on your desk at work.
Just swipe from left to right and tap on the shortcut and then it will enable.
Now all you have to do is triple click on the side button and activate guided access and then the application will be locked in place.
So no one can get in, no one can get access to it unless they triple click and enter the passcode for guided access to deactivated.
Guys, it’s gonna be very useful. so if you’re using this at night or maybe at work just to have the always-on display.
I think it’s a very cool now this also works with face ID. so you don’t have to enter the passcode you can use face ID to authenticate or touch ID.
The Conclusion
Thank you for reading this article. guys, now you have always on display on iPhone with a simple Siri shortcut and an application from the app store. so go ahead and give it try.
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