Cydia Alternative – Guys, did you know that Cydia store in no longer on the iOS device. because the Cydia store has been shut down by Jay saurik.
But don’t think that it’s the end of Cydia store. actually, recently Jay saurik has released an update for Cydia substrate with the support of unc0ver jailbreak and for those users who are sad because of Cydia, we have an amazing Cydia alternative that you can download free on your jailbroken iOS device.
The developer of the Electra jailbreak released their first public version of Sileo. which you can download instead of Cydia.
The team of Electra jailbreak believes that Sileo is a lightweight and much better than Cydia store. so in this article, I’m going to show you a step by step guide, which helps you download Sileo on your jailbroken device. so let’s go further and see how you can get it.
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Can we download Sileo on iOS 12 or later.
If you think that you can download Sileo on the iOS 12 or later device then you are wrong. because there is no jailbreak for the iOS 12 and if any website or app claim that they provide iOS 12 jailbreak then stay away from them. because it might be the virus or anything that harmful for your iOS device.
To download Sileo on your iPhone and iPad, you have complete all requirement that I’ll show you below.
- Electra jailbreak or uncover jailbreak.
- iPhone and iPad.
- The last is that your iOS device must be compatible iOS firmware.
Download Cydia alternative called Sileo
- First of all, launch the Cydia and then go to the sources section.
- Please make your way to ‘Electra iOS Utilities‘ which is the default repository for Electra Jailbreak.
- Now here you can find the Sileo and once you’ve found it then click on the install button.
- Now, wait for the installation process and after this tap on the restart springboard.
So this the simple process to download Sileo. now, let me show you how you can download Sileo on the uncover jailbreak.
How to install Sileo on uncover jailbreak
- Do same, firstly, launch the Cydia and then head to sources section.
- Then tap on the edit button and then add
- So here with the help of search bar, search Sileo and if you found it then click on it and then tap on the install button.
- Wait for the complete installing process.
- And then Restart springboard.
- Now you can use the Sileo installer on your iOS device.
The Conclusion
Thanks for reading this article guys, the current of Sileo is a simple version and its missing lots of significant features. but the developer promised that they update it regularly and make it as a professional Cydia Store. so the downloading process is really simple. hope you like this article and if you like this article then please don’t forget to share this post with your friends, family members, and on the social media and also visit daily on this website. because we update here everyday new and helpful articles.