Delta Emulator iOS – Recently we have shared the GBA4iOS Emulator for iOS devices with all of you which was developed by the worldwide popular developer called Riley Testut who made GBA4iOS iOS Emulator which helps users to play GameBoy Advance games on iOS devices such as iPhone, iPad or iPad Mini.
We all know that GBA4iOS was revoked by Apple for iOS devices but recently the developer of GBA4iOS tweeted on his official twitter handle that “Goodbye GBA4iOS. Hello Delta.” With the official site of which is in active mode now.
So today we are going to cover the complete procedure about Delta Emulator iOS app that works same like GBA4iOS has done for iOS devices. So let’s begin with it and understand how good Delta Emulator for iOS is and how iOS users will adopt it over the popular GBA4iOS Emulator.
Delta Emulator iOS
So if you are looking for download delta emulator on iOS devices that can be used for iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S/4, iPad Mini/Air/Pro running on iOS 9, 9.1, 9.2, 9.2.1, 9.3, 9.3.1, 9.3.2, 9.3.3, 9.3.4, iOS 9.3.5, iOS 11, iOS 10, iOS 10.0.1, 10.0.2, 10.0.3, iOS 10.1, 10.2.
Features of Delta emulator:
- It is completely safe for iCloud sync and after this, it will work with all your iOS devices.
- Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad that based on iOS 11, iOS 10 and iOS 9 especially.
- Save states, Cheat codes are available and Controller Support too.
- And native iOS Frameworks (Color Image, Core Delta, UIKit, CloudKit).
- Run Gameboy games on iOS devices.
Delta Emulator Download For iPhone, iPad iOS Devices & tvOS | Install Delta Emulator without Jailbreaking On iPhone:
All we need to do is to wait for some more time because Delta Emulator Download isn’t possible now because it is in developing mode. Reiley Testut still not announced the official release date of Delta Emulator App for iPhone, & iPad devices. The Delta Emulator iOS Download might possible by the end of this year.
We hope the brand new iOS Emulator Delta will release in the end of 2017. It will be a new year gift from Reiley and all Game Boy Advance fan and Game Boy Color games lovers will love this emulator a lot.
Soon you will get the complete step by step process of How to Download Delta Emulator App for iOS (iPhone & iPad) and for tvOS on Apple TV. So stay tuned for a complete installing process on iOSCraze.
Final Verdicts:
We know you all are damn excited to download delta emulator on iOS devices so you guys can run GameBoy games, Nintendo games on your iPhone or iPad.
If you have questions regarding Delta Emulator iOS then please drop your queries in the comment section below so we can find the complete solution for you guys and share with you in the next post on Delta app.