iOS Jailbreak tweaks – Download these 10 awesome jailbreak tweaks for iOS device

iOS jailbreak tweaks – hello guys, today we have come back with the 10 new iOS jailbreak tweaks, which you must have on your iOS 11.3.1 device.  Coolstar released the much anticipated Electra Jailbreak for iOS 11.3.1 – iOS 11.2 with Cydia. so here we have 10 new compatible tweaks for iOS 11.3.1 device. guys, these tweaks are, especially for iOS 11.3.1 device. so if you are using Apple iOS 11.3.1 version on your device then you will definitely read this article. so let’s go further.

Don’t forget to read: Coolest Jailbreak tweaks – Download 10 Jailbreak Tweaks For iOS device

Download these 10 iOS jailbreak tweaks

1: App Percent

iOS jailbreak tweaks

App percent is a pretty cool tweak. it will show you the percentage of the download of an app. so for any app that you’re downloading from the App store, it shows you the percentage of the downloads completed and also you can enable a notification. so if the app will download completely then it will notify you.

2: Status Modifier

iOS jailbreak tweaks

The status modifier is a tweak that allows you to modify the status bar of your devices. you can see in the image above that the date and time with the seconds as well.

So it’s pretty awesome if you go to the settings of this tweak then you have different time formats. you can hide any status bar elements from the status bar. all you need to do is just switch them off and then click save to respond your device.

3: Goodges

iOS jailbreak tweaks

Goodges this tweak will make the badges it’s really different. so you can see in the image above. there are three notifications on the twitter app it’s one show the badge up here. but it will show the notification numbers instead of the name of the app. so it looks really really awesome. you can also show here letters or just numbers.

4: Status Bar Volume

iOS jailbreak tweaks

Status bar volume is a pretty cool tweak that will add the volume HUD to the status bar of your iOS 11.3.1 device. you won’t see that ugly volume HUD. but now it will be on the status bar just like a volume HUD that you see on the Youtube app. so it’s pretty awesome.

5: Apps Manager

Apps manager allows you to easily manage the apps that you have installed on your device. so it will show you a list of all the third-party apps that you have installed. if you tap on one of them then it will show you details about that app.

You can also backup the apps data and if you have the backup saved then you can actually restore from here and you can also wipe the entire application and all of its data by using wipe button.

6: Sleep Anywhere

Sleep anywhere allows you the easily send your device to sleep by using gestures. you don’t have to actually use the power button. if you going to the settings of this tweak then you can choose the status bar gesture tap to sleep.

You can choose the homescreen gesture tap to sleep and also you can choose the lock gesture tap to sleep. so it’s as easy as that you don’t need to use the power button anymore.

7: Folder Color

Folder color is a tweak for the folders that allow you to customize them. so you can change the color of the title, the color of the icon, the color of the background anything you want. so if you going to the settings of this tweak then you have here folder name, the folder application icon, and the background. you just choose the color here tap there and you can pick any color you want.

8: Cert Remain Time

iOS jailbreak tweaks

Cert remain time is a very useful jailbreak app that will show you the remaining time until you will have to resign your jailbreak app. so you can see in the image above and it shows you an icon on the home screen. if you open the icon and there it will show you the days and the hours that you have left until you will have to resign the app.

9: HUD Dismiss

HUD dismiss is a very simple tweak. but very useful as well the volume HUD of iOS it always takes time to disappear and its will annoying. so if you install this tweak then all you have to do is just tap the Volume heard to dismiss it.

10: App Color Close

iOS jailbreak tweaks

App color close is a tweak that will colorize the X buttons that you used to delete an app. of course, based on the color of those icons you can see in the image above all the apps have the X button in the color of their icon.


Thank you for reading this article. guys these are the best 10 iOS jailbreak tweaks, which you must have on your iOS device. so don’t to download these iOS jailbreak tweaks right now. hope, you will like this article. so if you like this article then please don’t forget to share this with your friends, family members and on the social media and also visit daily on this blog. because we update here every day new and helpful articles.